Balance -


Where can I see my Balance?

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  1. Balance: Current balance to pay bills.
  2. Transactions: History of movements generated by payments to your bills.

Details About Transactions

When a payment is made to a bill, you will see two movements, a charge and a credit. At the time of payment, a charge representing the payment entering your account will be generated, then you will see a credit representing the withdrawal of the payment from your account to pay the bill.

When will I have a balance in my favor?

If at any time you decide to make a payment higher than the bill and you are concerned about validating the remaining amount you have paid, it will be saved in your balance, so if you have a pending bill of 20 USD and make a payment of 25 USD. The remaining 5 USD will become a balance in your favor and will be credited to your next bill when it is issued.

  1. Charge: Payment in favor destined to the client's account, in this case it was a total of 25 USD.
  2. Credit: After the payment reaches the client's account, it will be withdrawn from the wallet and used to pay the bill, in this case a total of 20 USD, leaving a balance in favor of 5 USD.
  3. Balance: The balance is 5 USD since a payment was made higher than the bill price, this balance can be used to pay a subsequent bill.

Now when a new bill is generated, the balance we have in favor will be used, this balance will pay the bill if the amount is sufficient or it will be used as an advance if it does not cover the total of the bill.

  1. Credit: At the time of generating the new bill, a credit transaction was created that used the balance in favor that was previously had to generate a credit to the bill.
  2. Balance: The Balance has returned to a total of 0 after using the 5 USD previously held to credit the new bill.

  1. Status: The bill is in advance status, as it has received a credit of 5 USD.
  2. Total pending payment: Since the bill is a total of 20 USD and 5 USD have been credited, the bill has a pending payment of 15 USD.

April 12, 2024, 3:32 p.m. - Visitas: 5795